OrthoIllinois doctor papers accepted for presentation
ROCKFORD — Two papers co-authored by Dr. Scott Trenhaile of OrthoIllinois were recently accepted by the American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine for presentation at its combined annual meeting with the American Association of Nurse Anesthetists.
The presentation will be held in July in Nashville, Tennessee. The papers, “Treatment of partial-thickness rotator cuff repairs with absorbable bioinductive bovine collagen implant: 1-year results from a prospective multi-center registry,” and “Fullthickness rotator cuff tears treated with a collagen implant: 1-year Results of the REBUILD registry,” both share data on rotator cuff repair patients treated with a bioinductive implant that has revolutionized rotator cuff surgery.
Dr. Trenhaile’s practice at OrthoIllinois focuses on arthroscopic surgery of the shoulder, elbow, and knee, and treatment of sports- or activity-related injuries. He serves as team physician to many local sports teams at the high school, college and professional levels and as clinical assistant professor at the University of Illinois College of Medicine and Assistant Professor, Rush Medical College, Rush University in Chicago, Illinois. Dr. Trenhaile is a frequent speaker and instructor at orthopedic conferences throughout the world and has hosted dozens of international surgeons in Rockford seeking instruction on his advanced arthroscopic surgical techniques. Trenhaile has been honored with the peer designation Best Doctors over multiple years.
For information: orthoillinois.com.