Providing Orthopaedic Care during this Unprecedented Time
What does orthopeadic care look like currently in the midst of pandemic?
I can honestly say I have never had to answer that question before. This is all new territory for all of us but I feel it’s imperative to let you know what we can and what we can’t do regarding the care of our patients.
States across the nation have shut down including Illinois. Medical offices including orthopaedic have been deemed necessary businesses that can and should stay open. Therefore, we have had to figure out how to take care of our patients while focusing on that care being safe for the patients, safe for the staff, and safe for the community. When this all started it was like building an airplane that is already in flight (I borrowed that from a friend btw). ‘Never done it before and thus it seemed impossible. The rules change every day and we learn as we go. One thing we understand is if you need emergency care you can go to the hospital. If your injury is not an emergency then don’t.
Walk in clinics are better. Not only bumps and bruises but also sprains, tears, and minor fractures.
Clinics are open. Use them if you need to come in. If you think telemedicine visit can handle consider that first. Or even a phone call. Need an injection or therapy? It’s a possibility. Considerations like immune system have to be assessed.
Surgery is also available for those that need it, in situations where outcomes would change if we wait. Every single case is considered on an individual basis.
What about elective cases? Those we will assess later. There are many factors we must continue to observe before we can make a determination. We are watching government recommendations, as well as staying in tune with the hospitals and their resource needs.
What I want patients to understand during this time is: WE ARE HERE FOR YOU AND YOU ARE NOT ALONE.